
Umbra twilight room darkening double curtain rod
Umbra twilight room darkening double curtain rod

  1. Umbra twilight room darkening double curtain rod full#
  2. Umbra twilight room darkening double curtain rod tv#

  • Complete The Look: Make it a complete set by using our matching Twilight holdbacks (sold separately).
  • Perfect For: Twilight curtain rod set is perfect to be used with grommet, back-tab, rod pocket and tab-top curtains.
  • Easy To Set Up: Your Twilight Curtain Rod comes with everything you need to get set up quickly and doesn’t require a curtain rod bracket includes.
  • Room Darkening Solution: By creating a window curtain rod that curves at both ends, curtains sit flush against the wall with Twilight and wrap around the window from end-to-end, blocking out light while insulating the room.
  • Single rod brackets sit 3 3/4” (9.5 cm) from the wall, Double rod brackets sit 5 1/4” (13 cm) from the wall. This adjustable curtain rod works with a variety of decor styles and can be used with grommet, back-tab, rod pocket and tab-top curtains. The drapery rod has a strong and stable diameter, constructed to hold curtains from light to medium weights, with a maximum capacity of 22lbs. Wrap the panel around the curved end of the rod and tuck it behind the bracket to eliminate exterior light from seeping in. Its innovative wrap-around design helps prevent light leakage by allowing your curtain or drapery panel to rest directly against the wall. Twilight curtain rod effectively blocks out all light. Its sleek form and matte finish can be easily integrated into a variety of different decors. With a simple, clean design, the Twilight room darkening curtain rod beautifully complements and enhances any curtains or drapes.

    Umbra twilight room darkening double curtain rod full#

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    umbra twilight room darkening double curtain rod

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    Umbra twilight room darkening double curtain rod tv#

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    umbra twilight room darkening double curtain rod umbra twilight room darkening double curtain rod

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    Umbra twilight room darkening double curtain rod